Rose writes: Life continues to treat us so good and we are so thankful for that. We had a nice Christmas season and had a lot of fun doing graham cracker houses on Christmas afternoon. It is becoming a yearly tradition. We make them and then send pictures to those who are interested to do the judging and they respond back through email or phone calls as to which one they like. If you want to be included in the judging next year, send us your email address.
Laura came for a visit on Dec 29 and stayed until Jan 6. That was a very pleasant visit. Gwyndolynn and her family came on Jan 1 and stayed until Jan 5. Thankfully Rebecca and Lydia are close by so it was fun to have us all together and we even managed some pictures which I will attach.
We really appreciate the warm weather here in Gilbert as we listen to the weather report around the country. We are sooooo glad that we are here.
Thanks to all who sent cards, family letters and pictures. We did not do that this year but I feel I still need to write a "year in review" or I just might forget what we did during 2009.
In April my(Rose's) siblings are coming for a reunion. I am really looking forward to that. Our main interest is genealogy, pictures and having a good time together.
If you have any information that will help us with genealogy, please send it along.
I have another email address,, that I am using for political information and pass-alongs. If you want such things coming to you via email, just send me an email to the above address and I will include you on my list.
I feel it is important for me to learn more about my town, county, state and country and to study the lives of the people who will be running for office and are already in office. I want to vote based on what I know about them and what they believe instead of just recognizing their names.
I am really excited about the new format of The Ensign, our church magazine. There is definitely something for everyone. Our new Relief Society/Priesthood Manual is also new and different from what we have been used to. I think by reading all the scriptures and pondering what they mean to me in my life today I will grow closer to my Heavenly Father and He will provide strength to me that I can live more like Him. I am so thankful for my membership in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I know I am a child of God and that I have great potential if I will just develop those talents and gifts that he has given to me.
I will add, hopefully, several other pictures in another post.